luteal phase defect featured image

Short Luteal Phase

A short luteal phase has long been attributed as a cause of infertility and miscarriage. We dig deep into the research and look at how a luteal phase defect can influence reproduction.
Fertility A - Z


No sperm in the ejaculate. Caused by either a blockage or a production type problem. Should be investigated by examination,

sperm tests

Semen Analysis Decoded

Sperm testing is not just as simple as putting the sample into a machine and reading out the results. What is normal and how should you interpret the results?

Understanding OHSS: IVF complications simplified

Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS) is “the” IVF complication. It is almost entirely unique to fertility treatment, although a few cases have been cited where OHSS has occurred in a naturally occurring pregnancy.
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