Does your diet affect your fertility?

Does your diet affect your fertility?

Visit any online fertility chat room, and one of the main topics of debate will probably be what to eat to maximise your chances of conceiving. In addition to the wealth of supplements promoted as being fertility-boosting, there is also an array of foods that are supposed to help achieve a healthy pregnancy.


How pollution is causing a male fertility crisis

How pollution is causing a male fertility crisis

“We can sort you out. No problem. We can help you,” the doctor told Jennifer Hannington. Then he turned to her husband, Ciaran, and said: “But there’s not much we can do for you.” The couple, who live in Yorkshire, England, had been trying for a baby for two years.


The sharp rise in egg freezing

The sharp rise in egg freezing

When Shara Seigel went through a break-up in the summer of 2020, she didn’t just have to deal with heartbreak. Finding herself single at 35, and in the height of Covid-19, Seigel, who lives in New York, now had to worry about whether the end of the relationship would also mean losing the chance to become a mother.