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Refinery 29

Yes, Freezing My Eggs At 39 Was Worth It — Diary

What I Lost & Found When I Froze My Eggs

Motherhood was all around me. Many of my friends already had kids, and shortly after my visit, four of my friends made appointments with that same fertility doctor. Some froze their eggs. One friend decided to pursue having a baby on her own. At the same time, my desires were evolving.

Refinery 29

The Truth About Off-Label Medications & PCOS

The Truth About Off-Label Medications & PCOS

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common hormonal disorders in the world, affecting about one in 10 women and people with wombs of reproductive age in the UK.

Refinery 29

Scaring & Shaming Women About Fertility Isn’t Helping Anyone

Scaring & Shaming Women About Fertility Isn’t Helping Anyone

Twenty-three-year-old Beth is feeling under pressure. What’s weighing on her? It’s not one of the big questions that young adults often ask themselves in their early 20s: What should I do with my life? What sort of person do I want to be? No. She is worried about her fertility.

Refinery 29

What Is Endometrial Scratch Fertility Treatment?

Painful Endometrial Scratching Is Big In TTC Forums. Is It Really A Fertility Lifeline?

This painful process, known as an endometrial scratch, is a form of fertility treatment – a so-called add-on to help shore up the success of IVF. But evidence that the practice works is rocky and the reasons for its usage are complicated. Endometrial scratching describes a process which is carried out before IVF.

Refinery 29

My Cervix Went Into Shock- How Painful Coil Fittings Are Causing Vaginismus

My Cervix Went Into Shock: How Painful Coil Fittings Are Causing Vaginismus

An unknown number of women are experiencing vaginismus after painful contraceptive coil (also known as IUD ( intrauterine device)) fittings. Vaginismus is a psychosexual condition which affects an estimated one in 10 women and people with cervixes in the UK, although it is typically under-diagnosed and exact statistics don’t exist.

Refinery 29

How To Get Donor Sperm In The UK

So, You Want Some Donor Sperm…

As a solo parent I have been really conscious about trying to find a donor that would allow any child I have to feel like they still look like the rest of my family, so I was only really focused on race and height.

Refinery 29

LGBTQ Couple IVF Treatment After Miscarriage Story

How My Wife & I Moved Forward With Fertility Treatments After Miscarriage & A Stillbirth

Welcome to Refinery29’s Fertility Diaries , where people chronicle their joyous, painful, and sometimes complicated paths to parenthood. Have your own Fertility Diary to share? Contact us, . History: When we first began trying to conceive, my wife and I expected that my medical history and the fact that we’re an LGBTQIA+ couple would present challenges.

Refinery 29

Fibroids In Black Women: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

More Black Women Get Fibroids So Why Don’t We Know More About Them?

After bleeding heavily for 30 consecutive days, following a 15-year battle with fibroids, Rose Marie Johnson found herself in the emergency room and was hospitalised for 14 days. “I had to undergo an emergency procedure to remove five pounds of fibroids. Just close your eyes for a moment and visualise a five-pound (2.3kg) bag of apples.”

Refinery 29

I Tried An At-Home Hormone Test Kit – But How Much Can It Tell Me About My Fertility?

I Tried An At-Home Hormone Test Kit – But How Much Can It Tell Me About My Fertility?

“Are you sure you want to do this?” my friend asked, genuinely concerned. “What if it’s bad news?” My at-home hormone testing kit had just arrived courtesy of a Dutch company named Grip which tests the hormones which provide indicators of a woman’s fertility remotely for £139.