Rate drops by 46% from its ultimate peak in 1947 as 657,076 babies are born.
Describe a woman who is yet to have kids as barren and you’d probably get a mouthful of abuse or a slap in return. But there are some women who are actively trying to reclaim the word to describe their fertility battles.
New study results found that one in six (17 percent) of patients experiencing unsuccessful cycles of IVF went on to have a baby without help, within five years.
A couple who won a round of IVF in a competition have taken delivery of their prize nine months later.
An increasing number of women are paying to have their fertility assessed. How much do the tests really reveal about their ability to conceive?
Managing Director for Global Market Access Solutions Switzerland, UK and USA, and guest researcher in health economics at the University of Groningen argues the case for publicly funding fertility care.
New York couple is suing a Los Angeles fertility clinic after woman gives birth to other couples’ babies
Thyroid Function and ConceptionCase Vignette A Woman Trying to Conceive. Ms. Thompson is a 31-year-old woman who has been trying
Expert who led study of 5,000 IVF cycles at London clinic busts myth that male fertility lasts forever
A study new study of 460 patients at eight clinics across Denmark, Sweden and Spain who had a single blastocyst transferred for IVF. A freeze-all approach was used in one group, with the frozen embryo transferred in a subsequent cycle. Fresh embryos were transferred in the other group. Live birth rates were the same in each group.